10 November 2022

18-year-old Elizabeth Boyes has completed an eight-week work placement, shadowing our Directors and Commercial Asset Manager to learn more about the property, land and development industry.

Elizabeth said: “I finished my A levels in the summer and was looking for a short-term work opportunity within the property sector before I start a ski season in Whistler in late November. Trevor Wells is a family friend and suggested I join Wells McFarlane to gain experience of an office environment and understand more about the role of a Chartered Surveyor.

“Throughout the last eight weeks, I’ve helped complete due diligence, compile floor plans, property particulars and reports, transcribe dictation plus general office admin tasks. Everyone has been helpful and generous with their time, and the placement has offered a real insight into both the property industry and its varied job roles. I’d like to explore the sector more, especially on the design side, but that will have to wait until I’m back from Canada!”