Sales have been concluded on circa 52 acres of land in Leicestershire and Rutland to housebuilders, Redrow and Davidsons Homes.
On the eastern edge of East Goscote, approx. 43 acres has been sold with planning permission for 270 homes to Redrow. The site includes 30% affordable housing together with significant areas of open space and green infrastructure, comprising a play area. It will provide financial contributions towards local infrastructure including education, health provision, sporting facilities and enhancement of allotment facilities in this north Leicestershire village.
Meanwhile a further nine acres at Uppingham Road, Oakham with permission for 84 homes has been purchased by Leicestershire housebuilder, Davidsons Homes. Also set to include 30% affordable housing, this site will feature a mix of one- to five- bedroom properties, a village green and other public open space and landscaping.
Our Director, Trevor Wells concluded both sales. He said: “Despite the recent economic turbulence and interest rate rises, I’m pleased to have completed these transactions, which have both been several years in the making due to complex planning issues. Developers continue to show confidence in the Midlands region, with sites like these attracting strong levels of interest when offered to the market. Landowners with similar parcels are encouraged to get in touch for advice and an appraisal of their assets.
“Whilst the press can be quite negative at the moment, regularly predicting doom and gloom for house owners, strategic land takes time to work through the planning system and if you’re not active in promoting your land, it will not get the allocation. Instead, land that is being presented in a way where Local Authorities can see it’s deliverable and will help meet local housing need, will. This always takes longer than you expect, so now is the time to act,” advised Trevor.